Last Thursday Hope met me at my studio and handed me a sealed manilla envelope with the ultrasound results of their twins. I have to say, it felt a bit strange to know the results before the parents found out, but Hope and Adam wanted it to be a surprise. I don’t think I could have resisted peaking if I was the mom-to-be 🙂
I created a cake topper bunting for the cakes that said “Baby A” and “Baby B”.
The adorable couple. It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago I created their wedding cake.
I quadruple checked my results for the filling color to make sure I didn’t mess up. They are having twin girls!!! I’m so excited for them. Congratulations Hope and Adam!
The beautiful images above were taken by Rebecca Sior Photography.
Thank you Rebecca for sharing them with me. Thank you also to Kyrsten for your help.
Thank you Rebecca for sharing them with me. Thank you also to Kyrsten for your help.
If you’d like to take a peak at one of the most beautiful weddings you will ever see, click here to see my blog post on their wedding.
What a cute idea!! T.J. has reoccurring dreams that I’m going to have triplets (YIKES!!), so I may need your revealing cakes someday as well. 🙂
I just made reveal cake pops for twins and she did the reveal on Father’s Day. Twins were a boy and a girl so it was a little tricky. I was so excited to make them because I’m a twin AND I have twins! Check out So Sweet by Marilyn Kassa on Facebook
Thank you so much! As always, the cakes were delicious and everyone raved about them. The surprise was so fun! You’re the best!